SpotlightInserting lighting devices


Tool set

Lighting Device


The Lighting Device tool inserts an existing lighting device symbol, including both standalone and multi-cell devices.

To identify which symbol was used to create a lighting device in the drawing, right-click on the device and select Locate Symbol in Resource Manager from the context menu.



Rotational Insertion

Inserts the lighting device with two or three clicks, depending on the view

Single Click Insertion

Inserts the lighting device with one click

Distributed Insertion

Inserts the specified number of lighting devices evenly spaced along a line

Lighting Devices to Insert

(Distributed Insertion mode)

Set the number of lighting devices to insert

Lighting Device symbol

Opens the Resource Selector to select a lighting device symbol; double-click the resource to activate it

Fixture Mode

Specifies a fixture mode for previsualization in Showcase or for export to an external program like Vision

Automatic Numbering

When toggled on, enables automatic numbering as objects are placed

Automatic Numbering Preferences

Sets the automatic numbering preferences

To insert a lighting device:

Click the tool and mode.

Click Lighting Device symbol on the Tool bar to select a symbol from the Resource Selector.

For previsualization, click Fixture Mode on the Tool bar, select Other, and then select a mode; see Selecting a fixture mode. The DMX Footprint is set automatically according to the selected fixture mode, and cannot be edited.

To use GDTF data for Showcase or when exporting to a lighting console or visualizer (including Vision) specify the GDTF Fixture on the Object Info palette. For more information about GDTF, see Attaching GDTF data.

To automatically number lighting devices as they are placed, click Automatic Numbering on the Tool bar, and then click Automatic Numbering Preferences to set the preferences; see Numbering objects at placement.

Other numbering options include Numbering lighting devices by hanging position or Numbering light plot objects with the Spotlight Numbering command.

Lighting devices can be inserted independently, or they can be attached automatically to a rigging object; see Concept: Attaching loads to rigging objects.

Do one of the following:

In Rotational Insertion mode in Top/Plan view, click to insert the lighting device, and click again to set the rotation.

In Rotational Insertion mode in a 3D view, click to insert the lighting device, click to set the X rotation, and click again to set the Z rotation. The working plane assists with placement. If you are placing the lighting device on a truss, the light snaps to the truss chord and takes on the truss orientation, so only two clicks are required: one to place the light on the truss, and one to set the angular direction. The working plane assists with placement.

In Single Click Insertion mode, click once to insert the lighting device. The device points down, unless inserted on a truss, where it takes on the truss orientation (ignoring the roll angle).

In Distributed Insertion mode, specify the number of Lighting Devices to Insert from the Tool bar. Click to insert the first lighting device, and then move the mouse to set the angle and spacing of the remaining lighting devices. Click to place the lighting devices. If inserted on a truss, they take on the truss orientation (ignoring the roll angle).

You cannot use boomerang selection while placing lighting devices.

By default, the active label legend is applied to the lighting device.


If a lighting device symbol is accidentally inserted by the Symbol Insertion tool, the lighting device functionality will not be present. When correctly inserted, the Object Info palette displays "Lighting Device" for the selected device.

Once lighting devices have been inserted, they continue to associate automatically with the nearest rigging object within the Pick Radius set on the Spotlight preferences: Loads and Rigging pane. To prevent lighting devices from attaching to a new rigging object when moved, disable automatic positioning on the Loads and Rigging pane.

Numbering objects at placement

Changing device properties

Setting up label legends

Inserting hanging positions

Concept: Attaching loads to rigging objects

Spotlight preferences setup

Creating a lighting device from an existing symbol

Concept: Working planes

Concept: Power schematics


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